What can we help you find?

At Fairhaven, we believe that marriage is more than a ceremony; it’s a life-long commitment. We are committed to encouraging strong, healthy, and fulfilling marriages founded on biblical principles.

Couples who would like to get married at Fairhaven or by a Fairhaven pastor at an off-site location must attend our premarital counseling, which uses the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) curriculum by Les & Leslie Parrott.

The program includes an online assessment and sessions with trained marriage facilitators who will walk you through the curriculum and your assessment results. Our facilitators are married couples who have a passion for helping build strong marriages and will come alongside you and provide prayer and encouragement.

The registration includes the SYMBIS book and workbooks and eight counseling sessions. There is an additional cost for the online assessment.

For information about Fairhaven wedding venues, please contact Katy Bingaman.

Premarital Counseling

  • $35 per couple
Registration Ends December 31, 2025