Global Outreach
So everyone can find hope

Help provide basic medical care for underserved families
Quito, Ecuador
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We began a partnership with the Cumbaya Church in Quito, Ecuador in 2003. Now, we send teams of people to work with churches in Quito, Ecuador to provide basic health care for underserved children, teens and adults, with nearly 2,000 patients each trip.
This is a great opportunity for doctors, dentists and nurses, but there are a number of ways you can serve without a medical background.
Our students alternate between going to Ecuador and partnering with Quito students for trips in the states.
Future Trips
Quito | Los Chillos Medical Trip: MAR 7-14, 2026
Quito | Puembo Medical Trip: JAN 31-FEB 8, 2026

Assist our partners with construction projects
Galilea Church
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Each year, we partner with our friends at Pleasantville Church in Pennsylvania, we send a construction team to work with Galilea Church in San Lucas, Guatemala. This 25-year partnership has helped build nine churches, a pastor’s home and two Christian schools that serve 300 children.
Individual/family trips can be arranged for those unable to participate in the annual construction trip. Contact us for details.
Future Trips
FEB 21-MAR 1, 2026

Repairing homes of under-served families
Christian Appalachian Project
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Are you looking for a short-term mission trip that’s close to home? Each fall, we send a team to partner with the Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) to help under-resourced people in Eastern Kentucky with home renovations like building handicap ramps, painting, and cleaning.
The Kentucky trip is a low-cost way to get involved in missions without language barriers or international travel. The team is open to ages 16 and older.
Future Trips
SEPT 28-OCT 3, 2025

West Africa
Seminars teaching successful business principles
Business Seminars
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We partner with C&MA International Workers to help lead business seminars throughout West Africa. Over the last 13 years, we’ve sent 50 business teams to seven cities in six countries. The teams teach modules on successful business principles, including finance, marketing, human recourses and strategic leadership. The goal is to share proven business concepts paired with spiritual principles that help participants flourish and transform their local communities.
Future Trips
Marketing: TBD
Human Resources: APR 7-11, 2025
Finances: JUL 23-27, 2025
Strategic Leadership: NOV 10-14, 2025

Help provide physical and spiritual healing
Bongolo Hospital
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For over a decade, we’ve partnered with Bongolo Hospital to provide physical and spiritual healing to thousands of people, and to train African doctors to become surgeons. We send medical specialists, usually 1-2 surgeons, multiple times a year to help assist with training, and we work with the hospital to equip its facilities and provide medical equipment.
Future Trips

Southeast Asia
Teach English and help make connections
Teaching English
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In 2009, Fairhaven began a strategic partnership with C&MA International Workers in Southeast Asia by providing English resources to attract potential seekers for the purpose of discipleship.
You can help someone in Southeast Asia practice English right from your home by participating in the “English Corner” via Zoom. Each week you’ll be given questions and vocabulary phrases so you have something to talk about, and don’t worry, you only need to be fluent in English. When you sign up, you will participate in four online sessions, each lasting about an hour.
Future Trips
Our outreach ministries are designed around a framework called ACTS. Through the ACTS process, we help the underserved around the world find hope in ways that promote dignity, build strong relationships and bring to life the God-given gifts of all people.