September 8, 2024
Houston, We Have a Problem
Money and possessions can take over our lives, often without us realizing it.
Money was central to Jesus’ teaching
2/3 of Jesus’ parables deal with money and possessions
1 of 10 verses in the Gospels deals directly with possessions
2,300 verses about money and possessions in the whole Bible
5 times as many verses as there are about prayer and faith
Matthew 6:19-34
Jesus’ words are so challenging that even those of us who claim to love Him try to find ways to avoid following them.
1. Don’t let possessions to be your security or create superiority – Matthew 6:19
Money and possessions promise what only God can provide:
Security + significance
2. Value possessions too much, and we’ll abandon Jesus’ values and have no place in His kingdom. – Matthew 6:20-21
Jesus teaches that trusting God means living like heavenly treasure is what matters.
Treasures in heaven:
Doing things that are good and eternal
3. Misplaced priorities destroy your life through selfishness – Matthew 6:22-23
“Houston, we have a problem”
Jesus’ followers take in 68% of the world’s income.
Jesus’ followers give 3% to support their church or world evangelism.
“Single” eye = “Single-minded” devotion to God
4. We will either love God or money and possessions – Matthew 6:24
Jesus is NOT saying that money is evil or wealth is evil.
Jesus DOES say that the love of money or hoarding money is evil. – 1 Timothy 6:10
Serve (doulos) = A willing servant
You can only be “a willing servant” to God or possessions
Be cautious. We’re always tempted to love money.
When we ignore these warnings, we will be anxious. – Matthew 6:25-34
Money creed:
We will love God, not money.
We will be devoted to God with all our possessions.
We will trust God and live selflessly.
We will find our security and significance in God.