As we approach another presidential election that feels fraught with division, it’s crucial for Christ-followers to remember how our faith should guide our actions and attitudes during this time. Here are four foundational principles derived from biblical teachings to help us navigate the complexities of politics and voting this November.

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1. Our hope is in God, not in a candidate.

In uncertain times, it’s easy to place our hope in political figures or parties. However, we must remember that our true hope lies in God alone. As Daniel 2:21 reminds us, “He removes kings and sets up kings.” Regardless of the election outcome, we can trust that God is sovereign and in control. This belief should give us peace as we cast our votes and face the future.

2. Let our faith filter our politics.

Our faith should not simply support our political views; it must filter them. It’s important to evaluate policies and candidates through the lens of our Christian values. Both major political parties present different strengths and weaknesses. One may emphasize the sanctity of life, while the other focuses on justice and equality. As followers of Christ, we are called to uphold both perspectives. This means engaging with our political beliefs thoughtfully and ensuring they align with our faith. Romans 12:2 encourages us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

3. The Church is not defined by a party.

It’s crucial to remember that our identity as the Church transcends political affiliation. The cross of Christ is not married to any political party; our allegiance is to the Kingdom of God. We must be careful not to let our political views define our relationships within the Church. Philippians 3:20 reminds us, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Our behavior toward one another, especially post-election, reflects our commitment to Christ’s teachings of love and unity.

4. Love for one another is a game-changer.

Finally, let us never burn relational bridges over political views. Jesus taught us to love one another unconditionally. This love is not just an ideal; it’s a commandment that must guide our interactions, especially during heated political times. When we choose love over division, we embody the very essence of the Gospel and demonstrate the hope of Christ to the world. John 13:35 emphasizes this point, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

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As we walk through this election season, let’s commit to praying for our leaders, engaging thoughtfully in discussions, and living out our faith with integrity. Ultimately, regardless of the political climate, we can rest assured that our citizenship is in heaven, ruled by a loving and just God who gives dignity to all.

Issues Guide

We’ve created a helpful guide to provide biblical insights on key issues being debated in our country today. This guide is designed to serve as a resource as you prayerfully consider how to vote, offering Scripture-based reflections on some of today’s most pressing issues.

This post is based on the sermon “In God We Trust,” shared by lead pastor David Smith on November 1, 2020.