This video contains information on sensitive subjects, including pornography and addiction.
“There’s hope with God. There’s always hope.” –Alexa Troutman
Lester and Alexa Troutman both grew up surrounded by many negative influences, including pornography and addiction. Over the years, they tried different ways of dealing with the effects their pasts were having on their present, but with no real success. Through community at Fairhaven and with the help of the Conquer Series and Women of Hope, God is using Lester’s and Alexa’s pasts to shape their future and to help others.
If you struggle with pornography or sex addiction, we want to help.
The Men’s Conquer Series is a study focused around the subject of sexual purity that examines scientific facts and biblical strategies to help men lead sexually pure lives, free from pornography.
Women of Hope offers confidential support, resources, hope and healing to married women whose husbands have struggled with pornography or other sexual addictions.
If you deal with an issue outside of the definitions of these groups, we would still love the opportunity to help. Men can email Pastor Chip Tudor, and women can email Kelly Carraher.
We also offer a number of other Care & Support groups to help you find hope through difficult circumstances. Visit the Care section of our website for more information.