Care & Support
Finding hope for difficult circumstances
We’d love to pray with you about any situation in your life. Complete the form below to submit your request to our prayer team.
You can also pray with a member of our prayer team after every worship service on all our campuses. If you or your family desire an extended, more private time of prayer, an appointment can be made with one of our prayer team members.

Care & Support Groups
Grief Share
Meets Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM, February 6-May 8 It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right...
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) celebrates God’s healing power in our lives through the eight recovery principles found in the Beatitudes and...
Divorce Care
Meets Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, February 4-May 6 Have you or someone you know recently walked through a separation or divorce?...
Hospital Care
If you or a loved one has an upcoming hospitalization or surgery, please email Renda Alexander or call 937-434-8627 x150 to request prayer and visitation.
Conquer Groups
The Conquer Series is an 10-session video-based study for men on conquering sexual temptation and pornography in a way that’s highly engaging, informative and includes round table discussion. You’ll gain insight from scientific facts and biblical strategies. If you have already completed Conquer and are looking to join an accountability 7 Pillar group, please contact us.
Women of Hope
Offering confidential support, resources, hope and healing to married women whose husbands have struggled with pornography or other sexual addictions. Email us for a confidential referral.
One-on-One Christian Care
You can meet weekly with a Stephen Minister for encouragement, support, and Christ-centered care. Stephen Ministers are members of Fairhaven and have received 50 hours of caregiving-training to minister to people experiencing a crisis, loss, or other difficulty. There is no cost, and meetings are confidential.
Become a Stephen Minister
Stephen Ministers are members of Fairhaven who receive 50 hours of caregiving-training, and have a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people facing difficult situations.
Apply to be a Stephen Minister
Financial Assistance
Our Benevolent Fund assists people in our church family with emergency financial needs. To be eligible, you must be a member or regular attendee of Fairhaven Church and complete an application available at the Welcome Center. Once your application is reviewed by our pastoral staff, you will be contacted with a decision. Cash assistance is not provided.
Marriage Ministry
At Fairhaven, we believe that marriage is more than a ceremony, it’s a life-long commitment. Our Marriage Ministry wants to come alongside each couple from the beginning and throughout their marriage. We are committed to encouraging strong, healthy, and fulfilling marriages that are founded on biblical principles. We offer SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts) for pre-marital relationships, and for those who are already married and want to enhance their relationship.
New Creation Counseling Center
New Creation Counseling Center has a staff of licensed counselors, all of whom have a strong personal faith in Jesus Christ and apply Christian principles in helping their clients. Fairhaven Church recommends New Creation Counseling Center as its primary referral agency for professional, Christian counseling.
To request help from New Creation please begin by calling the intake office at (937) 667-4678.
Care Portal
In addition to helping families in crisis, CarePortal allows us to meet the needs of our church family during illness, surgery and post-hospitalization with meals or other practical needs (non-financial). Please email us with requests or questions.